Iringa Municipality is located 500km South - West of Dar-es-salaam and is the head quarter of Iringa Region. The current population of the Municipality is 151,345 (2012 Census) inhabitants. A greater part of the Municipality lies between 1,500m and 2000m above mean sea level. The mean annual temperature is 190C and the average annual rainfall is 700mm.
There are two major water sources for Iringa Municipality. These sources are Little Ruaha River and Kitwiru Springs. Currently, 21,000 m3/day of the water supply is tapped from Little Ruaha river while about 3,000m3/day is tapped from Kitwiru Springs.
IRUWASA has a conventional water treatment plant for raw water from Little Ruaha River. The plant comprises the following units: intake structure, pre-sedimentation units (sand trap), flocculation units, sedimentation units, rapid sand filters and disinfection system, clear water reservoir, pumping water transmission mains and water storage tanks with total capacity of 7,101m3. The treatment process for water abstracted from the Kitwiru spring is by disinfection only.
The actual water production capacity from Little Ruaha River, Kitwiru spring and Nyamhanga borehole is 21,000 m3/day, 3,000m3/day and 330m3/day respectively. The daily water demand is estimated at 16,000m3. The situation of water supply to the beneficiaries is satisfactory and the average service is 23.5 hours per day. Similarly, the water supply covers 96% of the Municipal population of 151,345 people (2012 National Census).
The un-served areas within the new Municipal boundaries covers peri-urban areas only which include part of Mgongo, Nduli, Igumbilo, Itamba, Kitasengwa, Kigonzile, Ugele, Mkoga and a part of Tagamenda.
The Water Use Permit for Little Ruaha River is 16,560m3/day for Kitwiru spring is 3,600m3/day while for Nyamhanga borehole is 4403/day.