Technical Department


Ensuring availability of potable water supply, safe collection and disposal of waste water as well as adequately developing and maintain the associated assets.


Water production, treatment, quality monitoring and plant maintenance.

Water transmission and distribution of water from water sources" to

Maintenance and repair of water sources, water and sanitation infrastructures

Waste water treatment and safe disposal

Conduct, Maintenance and repair of plants, equipment, tools, transport facilities used in running water and sanitation systems

Planning, designing, construction, and Technical project Management


Water Production

Water Distribution


Infrastructure Development/Planning, Design and Construction

Plant and Maintenance


To monitor water quality and quantity from water sources and the distribution system

To establish and implement procedures for water quality monitoring.

To inspect and conduct routine preventive maintenance for pumping machines, and other electromechanical equipment.

To prepares and conducts refresher training for pump and plant operators

To supervise water laboratory functions and water treatment processes.

To conduct daily analysis of water pumps and the associated electromechanicalequipment.

To monitor the performance of the water production system and other
associated machine and equipment and supervise their maintenance

To prepare periodical reports and statistics on plant and water chemicals.


To monitor and maintain water distribution system and supervise distribution of water to customers.

To investigates causes of water loss and makes necessary rectification/repairs.

To attend and timely repair pipe bursts and leakages

To prepare and maintain accurate records/data of amount of water supplied to customers

To prepare and maintain records of breakdowns and solutions thereto.

To prepare maintenance schedule and supervise the operations of bulk water meters, valves, and fire hydrants.

To compile and review valves 'and pumps operating manuals /guidelines for efficient operation of the distribution system.

To conduct regular water flash out in the distribution system and cleaning
of the storage tanks.


To plan, organize and monitor sanitation activities.

To conduct periodic on job training on the safe use of equipment and tools for sewer operations, maintenance, repairs and related works.

To conduct awareness creation and educates the public on matters related to proper use of sewerage systems.

To prepare periodic reports on sewerage operations and maintenance.

To supervise the construction of sewerage service connections to customers.

To conduct routine survey of the sanitation infrastructures to ensure proper use of the system and identify potential customers for connection to the sewerage network system.


To undertake preliminary investigation of water works for renewal, repair
and rehabilitation of systems for future developments.

To carry out technical, economic, social and financial appraisal of technical projects and make recommendations to the Management.

To prepare master plan for urban water supply and sanitation network.

To collect data, analyze, designs and prepare procedures for project designing and construction.

To carry out surveys and prepare drawings/sketches of existing and proposed water/ sewerage works

To plan, design and construct water and sanitation works

To prepare periodic progress reports on technical projects.


Carries out regular/routine inspection of pumps, machines, motor vehicles and equipment

Prepares preventive maintenance schedule of plants, machines, equipment and motor vehicles and supervises implementation of the same.

Prepares pumps and other machines/plants operating manual/memo to guide operators and staff responsible for maintenance in their duties

Arranges & plans training of pump operators on pump operation and record keeping.

Liaises with TANESCO to ensure constant power supply to the water production and distribution systems and ensure immediate repairs and restoration of power whenever failure occurs.

Prepares list of materials and spares required for maintenance and repair works.

Ensures that all pump motors are equipped 'with reliable gadgets to protect them from being damaged in case of power shocks/fluctuations.

Records operation and working conditions of plants, machines, equipment, motor vehicles and other electromechanical equipment.

Assesses and recommends the replacement needs for plants, machines, motor vehicles or their parts whenever their respective performances have decreased

Ensures that all electromechanical equipment at all pumping stations are in good and proper operative condition all the time, carrying out regular/routine inspections, repairing any faults and reporting any malfunctioning equipment.

Supervises testing of repaired motor vehicles and submits reports to Technical Manager.

Ensures that job cards are opened for every mechanical maintenance and repair works undertaken.

Ensuring that timely and accurate periodical reports on mechanical maintenance and repair works are prepared as required by management.

Recommends machines, equipment and motor vehicle requiring external garage mechanical maintenance and repair works.

Certifies mechanical maintenance and repair works undertaken by external garage mechanical maintenance and repair works.

Inspects and certifies purchased Motor vehicles/cycles, pumps and all electrical equipment and prepares report.