MD's Desk

The Iringa Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (IRUWASA) has reviewed the Medium Term Strategic Plan (2012 – 2016) and developed a new one (July, 2017 – June 2022) aimed at responding to the change of the service area and change of Legislation.

The five year Strategic Plan for IRUWASA has been prepared in compliance with the National Water Policy 2011 (NAWAPO), the Water Supply and Sanitation Act. 2009 and the key national planning documents such as Vision 2025, and the CCM Election Manifesto of 2015 just to mention a few. A consultant from the Prime Minister’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG), guided IRUWASA’s Management through an interactive workshop to review the previous strategic plan and come up with this one.

The five year Strategic Plan will have the following purposes:

  1. To serve as a source of information and a frame of reference for all stakeholders (including employees) so that they can be fully aware of and as appropriate be engaged in the processes of efficient and effective delivery of services.
  2. To lay down an agreed coherent strategic framework of key outcomes and objectives to govern the scheduling and implementation of activities and services which IRUWASA need to deliver during the plan period.
  3. To act as a working tool for the management team.
  4. To guide and organize operational inputs to achieve the outputs for each annual operating plan, and to agree on budgetary resources with the Board.

In view of the above purposes, the five years Strategic Plan is expected to facilitate the following:

  • Enable the Authority to realize its current dual functions of providing quality water supply and sanitation services for IRINGA Municipality residents.
  • Enable IRUWASA to respond to the totality of environmental changes including cross cutting issues in order to improve the quality of services offered to her clients on a sustainable basis.
  • Quality improvement within IRUWASA will have multiplier effects across the IRINGA Municipality residents and contribute to the national aspiration of transforming Tanzania into a medium income country by 2025.

The successful implementation of the planning objectives requires well dedicated workers with positive attitudes and adhering to organizational values. I call upon the dedication of all IRUWASA employees to the aspirations of this document.

The Authority, will conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation in the implementation of the planned activities. It will also conduct a review of the targets of the strategic plan every year in order to improve it and include any emerging requirements.

Eng. David Pallangyo